Senin, 29 November 2010


There are 9 types of personality in humans, namely:
Type 1 perfectionistPeople with this type motivated by the need to live the right way, improve yourself and others and avoid anger.
Type 2 helperThe second type is motivated by the need to be loved and appreciated, express positive feelings in others, and avoid the impression of need.
Type 3 pursuer achievementThe pursuer achievement motivated by the need to become a productive, successful, and avoid failure.
Type 4 romanticThose romantic types are motivated by the need to understand the feelings of ourselves and understand others, find meaning in life, and avoid self-image of mediocrity.
Type 5 observersPeople of this type are motivated by the need to know everything and the universe, had enough with myself and keep my distance, and avoid looking foolish or has no answer.
Type 6 worrierTypes 6 people motivated by the need to obtain approval, feel cared for, and avoid the impression the rebels.
Type 7 adventurerType 7 are motivated by the need to feel happy and plan fun things, contribute to the world, and to avoid suffering and sorrow.
Type 8 fightersThis type of fighters are motivated by the need to be able to rely on ourselves, strong, giving effect to the world, and avoid the impression of weakness.
Type 9 conciliatorThe conciliator was motivated by the need to keep the peace, merge with others and avoid conflict.

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